Amateur Radio Web Page


Description or photos of equipment I either use or am familiar with.                 

 Yaesu FT DX3000
I use a Yaesu FT DX3000  (Above) for my station operations. 100 Watt output.
 I use a Gap Antenna model Titan-DX Which looks like the picture (Right).  I'm on my second Titan-DX.  I had one up on the roof for 10 years, took it down to build a garage, and just recently purchased a new one to replace the original.  I relocated this antenna to Virginia.  GAP Titan DX
For portable operations, such as camping, Field Day or outings with the Scout Venture Crew - I use a
Yaesu FT-897. (Right) 100 Watt output.

The ATAS-120 Screwdriver antenna (Below Left) is used with the FT-857 in Mobile situations.
Yaesu ATAS-120 Yaesu FT-857d I also use a Yaesu FT-857D (Left)  for portable operations.  This particular model used to be mounted in my truck.  100 Watt output.
I use a Yaesu VX-8R  (Right) for portable usYaesu VX-8Re.  This particular Handi-Talkie (HT) has a GPS module and does Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS)  protocols.  Refer to http://aprs.org/ for more information.
Yo-Yo Antenna
This (Above) is a Yo-Yo Antenna from http://www.hamradiofun.com/yo-yo-vee.htm
Typically used in camping or Field Day outings.
This particular antenna  (Left) is easily built yourself.  The plastic spools are those found in camping supplies as portable clothesline containers.  Take the cord out, put wire in, measured for the band you want, and there you have a travel dipole.